The UPRH Nursing Department has a long history of more than fifty years preparing excellent professionals. We educate students who are passionate about serving others and want to become nursing professionals at the undergraduate level. In addition, we lay the necessary foundations for the graduate who aspires to continue graduate education.


The Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing Program prepares nursing professionals in four years with the necessary knowledge to provide direct care to individuals, family and community in diverse health scenarios. The curriculum is based on Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model. Through this program, the student acquires knowledge in biological, psychological, social, humanistic and nursing sciences enabling them to provide safe and effective direct nursing care to individuals, families and communities in a variety of health care scenarios. This graduate is prepared with the essential elements of nursing education for the 21st century, complying with the necessary skills to carry out professional interventions utilizing leadership skills, critical thinking, communication, client-centered care, ethical-legal aspects, based on the standards of nursing practice, and evidence-based practice.

Our facilities include a skills and simulation laboratory. These facilities allow our students to get involved in their learning process where they develop their motor and cognitive skills in a safe and controlled environment so that later, they can practice in the real clinical environment


  • Prepare nursing professionals at the baccalaureate level with knowledge, skills, and attitudes based on general and professional education to help the human being to promote, achieve, and maintain an optimal level of adaptation.
  • Foment a student-centered, continuous, dynamic, and innovative teaching-learning process with the new technological tendencies to search for knowledge within a climate of freedom, respect, and democracy that promotes critical thinking for decision making.
  • Contribute to health care through the participation of the faculty and students in activities geared toward promoting and maintaining the adaptation of the society served while considering their preferences, values, and needs.
  • Participate in professional and research activities that support the professional practice based on evidence.


The department vision is congruent with the vision of the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao. We share the vision of contributing to the formation of professionals who:

  • Can perform excellently as nursing professionals and contribute to improving the quality of life of the society they serve through best practices.
  • Have ethical, legal, and moral responsibilities when offering client-centered quality care.
  • Can satisfy the demands of a changing society considering their cultural diversity, preferences, and values to guarantee safe and cost-effective quality care.

Have knowledge and basic skills to assume the pertinent roles as generalist nurses in different health settings, using as point of reference the concepts of the Sister Callista Roy Model.

The Department of Nursing of the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao (formerly known as The University College of Humacao) was founded in 1967, where the second Associate Degree in Nursing Program was established in Puerto Rico (the University Campus of Mayaguez was the first one), under the direction of Professor Cruz R. Matlock.  The dynamism and vision of Professor Matlock allowed her to foster innovations for the department. She sought funding for the department and successfully achieved the proposal submitted for the construction of the nursing building we currently occupy (Rodríguez, 2001). The Associate Degree Program began in August 1967. In 1971 the program received full accreditation from the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC), being re-accredited continuously for 43 years. Because of changes in new trends in nursing recruitment, the Associate Degree Program ceased to be offered at UPRH, closing in 2014 with the distinction of being accredited.


In 1976, the Puerto Rico Higher Education Council approved a proposal to offer the Bachelor’s Program in Sciences of Nursing (BSN).  The curriculum was designed using the Callista Roy Adaptation Model, becoming the first program in Puerto Rico to apply a nursing model and the second to apply Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model in the American Nation.  The first class admitted to the Bachelor’s Program consisted of 30 students graduated from high school and nursing graduates with Diploma and Associate Degree.  The BSN Program was initially accredited by the NLNAC, now known as the Accreditation Comimission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) since 1992, being re-accredited until the present day.


During its 52-year history, the Department of Nursing of the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao has fulfilled the need for excellent nursing staff, as demonstrated by their licensure pass, level of employment, and feedback from their employers. Positioning itself among the best Nursing programs in Puerto Rico

Perfil Estudiante

  1. Applies safe and effective care, centerd  in the individual, families, groups, and communities in diverse  health scenarios
  2. Demonstrates leadership, autonomy and initiative skills by offering direct care, in collaboration with their peers and the interprofessional team.
  3. Designs and implements educational activities to promote,maintain, and restore the adaptation of the individual, families,  groups, and communities.
  4. Demonstrates crtical thinking skills in decission making and problem solving in the process of planning, implementation,and evaluation of the nursing interventions.

5. Applies the nursing process by constantly researching new trends to improve the quality and safety of the best nursing practices.

6. Demonstrates an ethical, legal, and moral  behavior in the performance of the professional  nursing role  that is consistent with The Professional Standards and The National Safety Goals.

7. Applies effective oral, written, and technological  communication skills in the professional practice to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate mistakes, and support decision making.

8.Integrates research findings in decision making and problem solving to provide a safe and effective care consistent with the Evidence Based  Practice.

9. Demonstrates sensibility to cultural diversity, preferences, and values of the client and the family  considering  human beings as holistic individuals.

10. Participates in professional and community activities for professional development and improvement of care and discipline.

The Bachelor of  Nursing  Program at the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao obtained its initial accreditation in 1992 by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (Currently known as the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing). Which has maintained continuously in each cycle of re-accreditation  for the past 26 years. On our recent re-accreditation visit, in the fall of 2019, we obtained the distinction of receiving ACEN recertification, for the Achievement of Quality and Excellence in Nursing Education until the fall of 2027.

Accreditation Certificate

logo ACEN

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)”

3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850

Atlanta, Georgia  30326

Tel. 1 404-975-5000

We provide a safe and controlled learning environment , similar to  a real work scenario where students can apply critical thinking  and improve their nursing skills

Advisory Board Nursing Department

The Advisory Board of the Nursing Department is an external advisory body.

It is made up of graduates, representatives of various Health Institutions, Community Members and other Academics, who collaborate to guide, advice and support the faculty of the Department of Nursing in order to guarantee the quality and competitiveness of the academic offer of the program. The Advisory Board, aims to validate curricular initiatives and provide guidelines and recommendations to the Faculty of Nursing Program around curricular and extracurricular aspects. Among its functions as an advisory body are the following:

  • Link between future employers, graduates and the faculty of the program.
  • Link and spokesperson between the faculty and the community.
  • Provide suggestions for the nursing program to continue innovating in the development of its graduates.
  • Participate in the program re-accreditation process.
  • Suggest recommendations regarding the competency needs of future graduates.
  • Report on activities considered of interest or trends in health care.
  • Offer ideas and suggestions on collaborative projects.

Provide input on the projects offered in the community.


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Location: Nursing Bulding
Phone: (787) 850-9109, (787) 850-9346 Monday to Friday 8:00am a 4:30 pm, @UPRHumacao , @UPRHumacao